Last Saying Of Christ: 7th Saying

Last Saying Of Christ: 7th Saying

Read: Luke 23:46
Jesus's seventh word on the cross was (Luke 23:46) And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, he said: "Father into your hands I commit my spirit.” 

Here, Jesus is willingly giving up His soul into the Father’s hands, indicating that He was about to die – and that God had accepted His sacrifice. He “offered up Himself unblemished to God” (Hebrews 9:14). when we see Jesus die, we see two things: the price paid to bring us to glory; and the example given for how we are to get there. So let's learn from Jesus how to die, by focusing on Luke 23:44–46

These were the final word said by our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. We have many lessons to learn from this; the first one is that "Death is a way to eternal life" this means that though he is going to the grave he will reign all eternity likewise when we die our bodies may go to the grave but our spirit will live for all eternity. When we are about to die and say that Father into your hands I commit my spirit we are giving assurance to ourselves that we are stepping to our next life.

The second lesson is "Let your pain push you towards God, not away." Here Jesus is quoting a verse from Psalms 31:5 and Jewish tradition says us that Jewish mothers used to teach their children to say" Into your hands, I commit my spirit" and even now in this pain and suffering Jesus is still crying out to his father in the prayer which lets us know when we are in our times of trouble and suffering we are suffering we must not let those times to draw us away from God, his people, his word, church, etc but we must draw ourselves nearer to god.

The third lesson is that God can resurrect the things that are Dead. When Jesus says that father into your hands I commit my spirit he is trusting God with his life and that he will save him and then god did resurrect him from the dead. Maybe today your marriage relationship problems, your financial problems, job problems or whatever the problems you must just follow the C.O.W. method, i.e., Commit all your problems to the hands of god Obey his word and keep it close to your heart and Wait patiently that God will resurrect you and save you from all the problems you are facing.

The 4th and last lesson is Placing ourselves into gods hands is the safest place to be. Jesus knew and trusted God even in his hardest times that in his father's hands he will find safety, others hands might have beaten him, mocked him, cursed him, poked him with the sword, etc but he knew that in his father's hands he would find a 100% safety. Likewise, we must not be afraid that your rivals or enemies will kill or destroy you but instead, you must commit yourself into the hands of god and remember that no rival or enemy of yours can defeat you there because in his hands you shall find comfort, peace and pleasure.

So, now as we come to an end of the lent days and our series let us follow the ABC's of christ they are Admit all your sins to Christ, Believe that he died for your sins on the cross and the third Commit your life and Time to Christ. AMEN


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