Fasting And Prayer

Fasting And Prayer

Read: Isaiah 58

Why do we do fasting? Is it Because God gets pleased and blesses us with all the things we need? No, it is because we are giving a sacrifice/giving thanks/apologizing to God. In Isreal, people used to sacrifice to God the lamb, birds or other animals for forgiveness or giving thanks. But when Jesus sacrificed his life for us on that cross he bore all our sins and punishments on himself and became the ultimate sacrifice. Even though Jesus became our sacrifice, we still need to give something to God. So, instead of making an agreement with God, we have to do it wholeheartedly and free-willingly without expecting something in return. But we will be rewarded in heaven for all what we have done on earth (Matthew 18:18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.). 

Most people fast by not eating anything or some will not eat their favourite stuff.
 What we fast upon doesn't matter, what matters is how humbled we are, our faith is and our heart. 

When we fast, we are making a commitment to God. But the commitment we make should never be broken. When fasting we will be tempted the most by the adversary because he doesn't want you to be blessed and wants to break our commitment. But in that situation, all we have to do is bind that in the name of Jesus. Spend as much time as possible in the word and prayer, that the wall of the word will be built so high and tall that the adversary will not be able to harm you at all.

What should we do when we are fasting? The answer to this question is to spend more most of the time singing worship songs or hymns, read the Bible, prepare a sermon, pray for the people whom you think you need to pray for and the best of all, spend a time of prayer with your family. Even if there are only two or three members no problem, as the word clearly states even if one or two gather to pray in Jesus name God will be among them.

Just like the Muslims, even we can set aside something for charity. Not only money, but we can also set aside some clothes or food or whatever we need. As the word of God says that if you want to prosper then help the poor, homeless, widows and orphans. If you can't provide physical needs, you can provide your time to the people who need prayers or who need to hear The Word of God. As we have to bring hearts closer to God.

And finally, I would like to ask you all if you are fasting give more time to the Lord our God. As he is the one who will meet your needs and protect you from all the harms and dangers of this world. Amen & God Bless You!!   


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