Your blessings (Poem)

Your blessings (Poem)

Give everything of yours to God,
Because he is the one who gives you an i-pod.
Praise and rejoice for everything you get,
Even when it's time for sunset.

Use your rewards carefully,
So that you can reach your destiny.
Like singing, dancing and speaking,
Use it first for the Lord before anything.

Meditate on his word,
Which is your protective Spirit's sword?
God's word is a light,
Which will make you shine bright.

Your blessing will help you in your mission,
In which God won't allow any confusion.
You are a chosen one,
Like you there is none.

There might be ups and downs,
And sometimes even rounds.
But in the end, God will reward you with a golden crown,
I assure you, he will never let you go down.

You will face trials and tests,
But don't worry you are safe in God's nests.
You are your heavenly father's son,
And you are his favourite one

Stay for the lord and glorify him,
With each and every heavenly hymn.
Wait for the right time in your life,
But never Strife.

Because God has a plan for you.



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