The Sermon On The Mount Series: Fulfillment Of The Law In Christ

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Fulfillment Of The Law In Christ

Read: Matthew 5:17-20      

Old Testament Law:-
The Law of the Old Testament or known as the "Thora" includes the first 5 books of the Bible (i.e. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). When we say The Law we might think of The 10 commandments. Which are just the first 10 laws, there are approximately 613 laws in the Torah. God didn't give all these at once but little by little. When God gave the 10 commandments, Isreal disobeyed them by worshipping the Golden Calf, etc. then God gives them more laws, then Isreal rebel and this series continues for a long period of time. No matter how many laws God gives them, they continue to rebel. In the promised land, Isreal failed to keep the laws and as a result, they are captured by different nations and are left to suffer (under the Babylonians, Romans, etc.). 

Back to the topic, What does it mean when we put all these 613 laws together? It means that we have to love God (Eg. Thou shall not have any other God before me, thou shall not make any idols, etc.) and love Others (Eg. Thou shall not murder, Thou shall not commit steal, etc.). Isaiah said that a future Messiah would come and transform the hard hearts of Isreal into soft hearts.

Fulfilment Of The Law:-
Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets and that does not fulfil the Law. Jesus came into this world to show his love to humanity by dying for our sins and teaching us to forgive others and love others. And as it is said in Romans 13:8

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law
- Romans 13:8

This verse explains the whole topic, i.e. The Thora says to Love God and Others, Jesus Loved God (His Father) by going according to his plans and Loved others even his the people who persecuted him by asking God for forgiveness for all humanity. Thus, he fulfilled the Law.

This teaches us that by loving God and others, we fulfil all the laws in the old testament. Even a small hatred in our heart will break the law. Hence, we must love God by keeping his word and doing what he has commanded us to do and love others by showing acts of kindness, forgiveness and mercy. AMEN. 


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