A Special Note (The True Word 2nd Anniversary)

A Special Note (The True Word 2nd Anniversary) 

Hi All!!

"I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell all your wonderful deeds."
- Psalms 9:1

I am Vivain.S.H, the writer of "The True Word", I can't believe it has been two years since I began writing blogs on The True Word. It has been quite a long time. From my first blog "God's Plan Is Much Greater Than Our Plans" till the latest post "Sermon On The Mount: Relationship With Others". It has all been possible all because of God's Grace. He is a mighty God and He will never leave us alone, if we hold on to Him then nothing is impossible.

I would also thank you all, My Readers, for supporting me throughout this time. It is all your encouragement that it has brought The True Word this far. I hope that you all will keep supporting me this way and keep The True Word in your prayers. I will always keep you all in my prayers, may God almighty bless you all abundantly and protect you from all the harm and dangers of this world.

We have recently started The "Stay Motivated" series where I will be posting weekly motivation, to boost up your motivation with The Word of God. If you are on Instagram, then you can follow us on @word_the_true for blog notification, motivations, etc.. I have lot of content planed up for the upcoming days, which I will try to post regularly. If you want to contact us or have any prayer requests then you can send them to thetrueword2018@gmail.com.



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