The Sermon On The Mount Series: Asking, Seeking, Knocking

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Asking, Seeking, Knocking Read: Matthew 7:7-12 This post has been divided into the following parts, 1. Ask and you shall receive 2. Seek and you shall find 3. Knock and it will be opened to you 4. The giving nature of God [Matthew 7:9-12] 1. Ask and you shall receive:- According to Google, asking simply means to say to someone that one wants them to do or give something. In the first two verses, Jesus states two statements about asking, "Ask, and it will be given to you;" and "For everyone who asks, receives;" Jesus clearly says, ask and you will receive. But just asking in prayer, saying "I want this or I want that" won't work. When it comes to asking God for something, there is a certain mannerism in which we have to pray. When asking God, we must pray with- > Firm Faith , asking with confidence and trusting without any doubt if you will receive it or not. Fai...