
The Sermon On The Mount Series: Asking, Seeking, Knocking

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Asking, Seeking, Knocking Read: Matthew 7:7-12 This post has been divided into the following parts,      1.  Ask and you shall receive      2.  Seek and you shall find     3.  Knock and it will be opened to you     4.  The giving nature of God [Matthew 7:9-12] 1. Ask and you shall receive:- According to Google, asking simply means to say to someone that one wants them to do or give something. In the first two verses, Jesus states two statements about asking, "Ask, and it will be given to you;" and "For everyone who asks, receives;" Jesus clearly says, ask and you will receive. But just asking in prayer, saying "I want this or I want that" won't work. When it comes to asking God for something, there is a certain mannerism in which we have to pray. When asking God, we must pray with- > Firm Faith , asking with confidence and trusting without any doubt if you will receive it or not. Fai...

The Sermon On The Mount Series: The Lord's Prayer

The Sermon On The Mount Series: The Lord's Prayer Read: Matthew 6:5-15 This post has been divided into the following parts,      1.  The right kind of prayer [Matthew 6:5-6]      2.  The right way to pray, The Lord's Prayer [Matthew 6:7-15] 1. The Right Kind Of Prayer [Matthew 6:5-6]:- In the previous post, we read about fasting and how it is supposed to be between you and God. The same applies to prayer, which is also supposed to be between you and God. In general, I said that the relationship between you and God is supposed to be a secret. In the verse, Jesus mentions two kinds of prayer, the wrong kind and the right kind. In the wrong kind of prayer, Jesus mentions the prayer done by hypocrites, referring to the . They love to pray to stand in the synagogues and in the corners of streets so that they can be seen by men. Here we can see that they are praying to God, self-praise. But Jesus instructs us to pray behind closed doors, in secret ...

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Relationship With God

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Relationship With God Read: Matthew 6:1-4, 16-21 & 24 This post has been divided into the following parts,      1. Do good to please God [Matthew 6:1-4]      2. Fasting [Matthew 6:16-18]      3. Lay up treasures in heaven [Matthew 6:19-21 & 24] 1. Do Good To Please God [Matthew 6:1-4]:- The first verse says, " Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them.  If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. " Jesus instructs us to be careful when we practice righteousness in front of others. Being careful here means to be alert of our actions and intentions rather than the response of others. There can be two types of intentions, > God praising , who give all the glory to God and humble themselves before others just like Jesus. Jesus no matter what great miracles He did, humbled himself and gave praises to His Father. [Also see Matthew 5:16] ...

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Relationship With Others [PT. 2]

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Relationship With others [PT. 2] Read: Matthew 5:38-48 I would like to write this 10 verse passage in two points:- If anyone does bad to you, don't do bad in return (Matthew 5:38-40 & 5:43-48). If anyone does good to you, do more than good in return (Matthew 5:41-42). 1.  If anyone does bad to you, don't do bad in return:- In verse 38, Jesus recites a saying, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Followed by some examples, i.e. if a person slaps you on your left cheek, turn your right cheek towards the person to slap and if a person sues you and takes away your tunic, give him your cloak as well.  From verses 38 to 48, Jesus tells us to resist an evil person, which means keeping distance from an evil person's presence. The evil person here is a metaphor for wrong deeds. This means Jesus tells us to resist doing evil and seeking revenge. Seeing the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:21-35, The King forgi...

A Special Note (The True Word 2nd Anniversary)

A Special Note (The True Word 2nd Anniversary)  Hi All!! "I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell all your wonderful deeds." - Psalms 9:1 I am Vivain.S.H, the writer of "The True Word", I can't believe it has been two years since I began writing blogs on The True Word. It has been quite a long time. From my first blog " God's Plan Is Much Greater Than Our Plans " till the latest post " Sermon On The Mount: Relationship With Others ". It has all been possible all because of God's Grace. He is a mighty God and He will never leave us alone, if we hold on to Him then nothing is impossible. I would also thank you all, My Readers, for supporting me throughout this time. It is all your encouragement that it has brought The True Word this far. I hope that you all will keep supporting me this way and keep The True Word in your prayers. I will always keep you all in my prayers, may God almighty bless you all abundantly a...

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Relationship With Others

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Relationship With Others Read: Matthew 5:21-37 ; 6:22-23 ; 7:1-6        In this post, we shall be looking into the following teachings:- 1. Murder begins in the heart.  ( Matthew 5:21-26 ) 2. Adultery in the heart. ( Matthew 5:27-30 ) 3. Marriage. ( Matthew 5:31-32 ) 4. Forbidding oath.  (Matthew 5:33-37) 5. Lamp of the heart: The eye. ( Matthew 6:22-23 ) 6. Do not judge. ( Matthew 7:1-5 ) These teachings are related to each other as they teach us how to be with our neighbour and the people around us. Murder Begins In The Heart ( Matthew 5:21-26 ):- Jesus makes it clear that the intention of the command "You shall not murder" goes beyond the seemingly simple Old Testament verse. Jesus explains that the person who murders will not be the only person who will face the danger of Judgement, but if we do  the following we will be in the...

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Fulfillment Of The Law In Christ

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Fulfillment Of The Law In Christ Read: Matthew 5:17-20        Old Testament Law:- The Law of the Old Testament or known as the "Thora" includes the first 5 books of the Bible (i.e. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). When we say The Law we might think of The 10 commandments. Which are just the first 10 laws, there are approximately 613 laws in the Torah. God didn't give all these at once but little by little. When God gave the 10 commandments, Isreal disobeyed them by worshipping the Golden Calf, etc. then God gives them more laws, then Isreal rebel and this series continues for a long period of time. No matter how many laws God gives them, they continue to rebel.  In the promised land, Isreal failed to keep the laws and as a result, they are captured by different nations and are left to suffer (under the Babylonians, Romans, etc.).  Back to the topic, What does it mean when we put all these...

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Beatitudes

The Sermon On The Mount Series: Beatitudes Read: Matthew 5:1-12               Jesus’ sermon on the mount began with what is now known as the Beatitudes. The word beatitude means to be blessed or prosperous. The 10 commandments given by Moses are completely different from the Beatitudes, instead of giving a list of Don'ts (what not to do), Jesus gives us a list of Do's (what we have to become).  He uses phrases like, “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” ( Matthew 5:7-9 ). These speak  to who the person is, and not just a list of dos and don’ts. For example, how does one become merciful? Is this a one-time event that you can check off once completed? The answer is no, and that is perhaps one reason why the teachings of Jesus within the Sermon on the Mount are so unusual. Wh...

The Sermon On The Mount Series

  The Sermon On The Mount Series: Introduction               The Sermon on the Mount was and still is revolutionary in its teaching and message. It helps us to better understand the attributes and characteristics of our Savior Jesus Christ. According to the Gospel of Matthew, after Jesus was baptized he fasted for 40 days, after which He was tempted by Satan (Mount of Temptation), then He starts His Galilean ministry by calling disciples, healing the sick and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. He was continuing His ministry to a great multitude of people from Galilee, Decapolis (A group of 10 cities), Jerusalem, Judea and beyond Jordan started following him desiring to learn more about this Miracle Worker.       As Jesus saw the great multitude, He went up a mountain that was facing the sea of Galilee, known as the Mount of the Beatitudes. The scriptures often refer to these mountains as places of worship an...

Your blessings (Poem)

Your blessings (Poem) Give everything of yours to God, Because he is the one who gives you an i-pod. Praise and rejoice for everything you get, Even when it's time for sunset. Use your rewards carefully, So that you can reach your destiny. Like singing, dancing and speaking, Use it first for the Lord before anything. Meditate on his word, Which is your protective Spirit's sword? God's word is a light, Which will make you shine bright. Your blessing will help you in your mission, In which God won't allow any confusion. You are a chosen one, Like you there is none. There might be ups and downs, And sometimes even rounds. But in the end, God will reward you with a golden crown, I assure you, he will never let you go down. You will face trials and tests, But don't worry you are safe in God's nests. You are your heavenly father's son, And you are his favourite one Stay for the lord and glorify him, ...

Road Trip Of Life

Road Trip Of Life Read: Matthew 16:24-26 Then Jesus went to work on his disciples. “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat;  I  am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade your soul for?  (MSG Version)     We all have been on road trips if not at least a long journey only on road. There are ups and downs in every journey. So is it with a believer? With many tensions and problems to face (no one can say they haven't been through one or will not go through because being a believer is not easy. But do not be discouraged by that but remember after every pain comes with a reward). Every believer has a journey but the destination is the same to be a part of his kingdom. Some maybe Job's, ...

Last Saying Of Christ: 7th Saying

Last Saying Of Christ: 7th Saying Read: Luke 23:46        Jesus's seventh word on the cross was  (Luke 23:46 ) And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, he said: "Father into your hands I commit my spirit .”   Here, Jesus is willingly giving up His soul into the Father’s hands, indicating that He was about to die – and that God had accepted His sacrifice. He “offered up Himself unblemished to God” ( Hebrews 9:14 ).   w hen we see Je sus die, we see two things: the  price paid  to bring us to glory; and the  example given  for how we are to get there. So let's learn from Jesus how to die, by focusing on  Luke 23:44–46 .  These were the final word said by our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. We have many lessons to learn from this; the first one is that "Death is a way to eternal life" this means that though he is going to the grave he will reign all eternity likewise when we die our bodies may go to the grave but o...

Last Saying Of Christ: 6th Saying

Last Saying Of Christ: 6th Saying Read:  John 19:30 Jesus's sixth word on the cross was  (John 19:30 )  When Jesus, therefore, had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost .   What did Jesus mean when he said: "It Is Finished"? Of the last sayings of Christ on the cross, none is more important or more touching verse than, “It is finished.” Found only in the Gospel of John, the Greek word translated “it is finished” is  tetelestai , an accounting term that means “paid in full.” When Jesus spoke those words, He was declaring the debt owed to His Father was wiped away completely and forever. Not that Jesus cleaned away any debt that  He  owed to the Father; rather, Jesus rejected the debt owed by mankind—the debt of sin. Just before he was arrested by the Romans, Jesus prayed His last public prayer, asking the Father to glorify Him, just as Jesus had glorified the Father on earth...